Published: 2020-01-15

Colombia resignifies and humanizes the concept of justice from the restorative approach

Isabel Cristina Osorio Marín, Yessica Andrea Barrera Agudelo, Janeth Viviana Henao Gutiérrez


Strengthening the reading-writing process by integrating faith in learning

Jorge Isaac Pautt Cervantes, Brigith Paola Rojas Uribe, Nicolás Martínez


Factors that influence the choice of a university to study undergraduate

Itsel Vázquez Velázquez, Abdiel Hernández Villegas, Raúl Antonio Rodríguez


User management as a key tool in achieving satisfaction for health-promoting entities (EPS)

Albeiro Hernán Suárez Hernández, Carolyn Díaz García, John Jairo Rico Valencia, Maricela Moreno Oviedo
