Continuous improvement for the incursion into the home delivery service of small fast food businesses
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Since March 2020, when the pandemic began, the home delivery service as a business model has increased significantly. However, despite this, various businesses have not identified this area of opportunity as continuous improvement and have decreased their sales or failed because they have not been able to adapt to this new way of distributing their products or have entered without having any knowledge. Objective: first, an analysis of the restaurants that offer home delivery services was carried out and then some useful tools are identified and proposed that allow the incursion of businesses in the region to make home deliveries, and that may be applicable in other regions or in other types of establishments with different businesses. Materials and methods: The materials used under the circumstances were impressions, computer equipment and stationery; The research method used was basically descriptive, since the research was generated from the collection of field information through direct and other indirect interviews to later carry out their respective analysis. Results: As part of the results, it was basically to collect data and from this generate useful information based on its analysis, expose it to small business owners and identify areas of opportunity through a SWOT analysis, and learn about digital platforms, which could use and apply to identify and improve the distribution and delivery of their respective products. Conclusions: all of the above generates a holistic view of the panorama that is presented in local businesses in a broader way, and contextualize the problems faced by them in the region, and through said analysis, generate proposals for continuous improvement, and even resort to instances Governments to request support in training of this type of digital tools, this will allow the growth and surely the permanence of many fast food businesses in the region.
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