Plastic management to reduce environmental pollution
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There is an infinity of plastic products which have facilitated human life, but have also caused great environmental pollution that affects flora, fauna and of course the human being. Such is the use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is a widely used plastic throughout the world, in Mexico and in each of the states and municipalities that comprise it. The vast majority of organizations, scientists, and others have understood this situation and have promulgated laws, designed strategies, environmental programs, etc. in order to contain or reduce their use or even recycle and reuse these materials, since once they are discarded they become polluting materials. Objective: Given this situation, this project is proposed whose objective is to design a program to reduce the contamination generated by polyethylene terephthalate (PET) mainly among other plastics in the municipality of Silacayoápam, Oaxaca, Mexico and in turn reactivate the local economy in small businesses stores through exchanges for basic basket products. Method: Using the documentary analysis technique, primary information was collected by conducting a direct survey of the inhabitants of the municipality, after which it was systematized in data record sheets, and the main challenges posed by the use of the polymer in the municipality were identified. Results: with the data collected, strategies for the use of plastic were analyzed and proposed, designing a management program for PET and other plastics for the local area that helps reduce environmental impact, and also promote environmental culture in the municipality and on the other. side and perhaps more important is to reactivate the economy of local businesses. Discussion and conclusions: the generation of this type of strategies allows, on the one hand, to have a culture of collection and recycling and, on the other hand, to support small businesses affected by the pandemic and the inflation of basic basket products, this represents an enormous challenge in the region and at the national level to define a more efficient, inclusive and sustainable waste management system, to reduce health and environmental problems.
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