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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Articles submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished, may not include elements subject to patent and must not have been published in any format previously. In addition, articles may not be simultaneously submitted to other national or international journals. In case the article has already been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere, legal permissions will be required for acceptance in our journal, unless these are exceptions of vital importance to the publication.
  • The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format and following the style and formatting guidelines detailed in the journal's Guidelines for Authors.
  • The article corresponds to the topics of interest declared by the journal.
  • All authors' data have been appropriately identified.
  • The title should be in the original language of the article and also in English. It is recommended that it be no longer than twelve words.
  • The paper should include an abstract in the original language and another in English. The length of the abstract should be between 200 and 300 words, and should reflect the most important aspects of the research.
  • A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords have been included both in the original language of the article and in English.
  • The document has the appropriate structure for the type of article presented, including a clear introduction, a coherent and well-founded development, a detailed discussion and solid conclusions.
  • The elaboration of references and citations in the article follows the guidelines established by the format APA last edition.
  • All references used in the article are up to date and complete, as well as having been used effectively in the content. Web links to the references have been added where appropriate.
  • All figures and tables have been referenced in the corresponding place within the text of the article, not at the end of the article. In addition, figures and tables have been prepared at a resolution of 300 dpi and are editable.
  • Each of the authors has completed and signed the Letter of Originality, as well as provided the information requested in the Authors' Resume form.

To be published in UNACIENCIA, Revista de Estudios e Investigaciones, all articles must be submitted through the Open Journal System (OJS). In case of access problems please send your manuscript with the documentation to the journal's contact e-mails. The journal assumes no responsibility for actions performed by hackers.

For a correct construction of the manuscript, authors are recommended to review the section "Template for the preparation of articles".

The main function of the UNACIENCIA Journal is to publish articles presenting research results. Along with the manuscript, authors must attach the letter expressing the originality and the assignment of copyright to the Journal UNACIENCIA, and CV of authors.

The articles published in the UNACIENCIA Journal must be focused in the area related to the disciplines of Social Sciences according to the Classification of Scientific Areas according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).



Research, review and reflection manuscripts are recommended to be 6,000 to 9,000 words in length including references. Formatting and style policies are described in the Template for article preparation.

Research article

This type of document details the original results of a research. It should clearly present the problem investigated and previous related work published in recent scientific literature. In addition, it should rigorously and completely describe the proposed methods and experimental results that demonstrate the contribution of the work in the areas stated by the journal. The article should also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these methods in contrast to the state of the art, and provide a conclusion section that responds to the stated objectives and is generated from the content of the manuscript. See template for the preparation of articles.

Review article

This document is the result of a research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated. The objective is to give an account of the advances and development trends in the area in question. It is characterized by presenting an exhaustive bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Reflection article

This type of document presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic. It is based on original scientific sources.
Body of the article:
Introduction: a) The main theme in which the topic or object of analysis is introduced. b) Various perspectives, i.e. the most typical or most important approaches to the topic. c) Author's position: this represents the position adopted by the writer with regard to the topic, and in this section the specific objectives to be addressed in the text are presented.
Reflection: In this section, all the ideas, arguments and reflections are presented in a coherent way. It is common to use subheadings to ensure clarity in the argumentation and to properly sequence the author's persuasive purpose.
Conclusion: The final conclusion of the text reinforces previous reflections to persuade the audience of the author's position and allows for self-criticism regarding limitations and future research.